Quality of the Traffic in Dating.
April 12, 2022
Dating is not a new vertical and, as they say, is evergreen. It is clear that affiliates always want tosqueeze out the maximum and get profit as soon as possible

Dating is not a new vertical and, as they say, is evergreen. It is clear that affiliates always want to
squeeze out the maximum and get profit as soon as possible. But it happens that with a good volume
and excellent CTR, affiliates receive a request from the advertiser to cut off part of the zones or stop the
campaign altogether. This means that the traffic was not of high quality.
Traffic quality can drop for various reasons. If you are deliberately pouring bots, doing misleading and
other murky schemes - be carefull. A long, stable campaign with low ROI is significantly more promising
than short-term excess profits. If you sincerely do not understand where you made a mistake: learn to
analyze and clean your traffic. In this article, we will tell you on behalf of the advertiser how to build
healthy partnerships and make sure that you are not turned off for bad traffic.
Why does an advertiser consider your traffic to be of poor quality?
Low-quality traffic is traffic for which the advertiser spends more than he ultimately receives. In dating,
they often work according to the CPL (cost-per-lead) model, that is, for a lead (registration), even a low-
quality one, you have to pay. Let's imagine the following situation (very simplified): you go to a CPL offer
and earn from leads ($ 5 per lead), and an advertiser sells paid messages within a dating site. A starter
pack for site users costs $ 10. If 80% of the 10 leads you listed turned out to be bots or “I just watch”
people, then it turns out that the advertiser pays you $ 50 and gets only $ 20, losing $ 80 of potential
profit. Of course, they won't want to deal with that anymore.
The two main traffic problems are bots and the wrong audience (which is recruited due to poor
targeting). Bots can get into the stream even without your desire. To prevent this, you need to check the
sources, specific placements, the reputation of the network where you buy this traffic. Follow the links to
read more about how to recognize bots and get rid of them. This is a sore subject in the affiliate industry,
so there are plenty of tips for dealing with bots on niche sites and forums.
As for audience and targeting, a lot depends on you and your ability to set up a campaign. The rules are
quite simple: define the target audience (TA) and target it, cutting off all others to the maximum. Basic
information about the target audience is usually in the description of the offer, you can also ask your
affiliate manager for advice. Managers are your best friends who, like you, are interested in the success
of your campaigns, so they will always help. What does targeting correctly mean? Do not offer dating
sites to grannies and teenagers, do not advertise an Android app for iPhone owners, do not send push
notifications in the middle of the night when no one sees them, or in the middle of the working day,
when no one is even thinking about dating.
Usually, an advertiser checks the quality of your traffic "on the fly" and very quickly stops paying for
fraud or asks to disable bad sources. It means, that for a deliberately bad quality, you still will not earn a
lot, but you will ruin the relationship for sure. And vice versa: for especially converting zones, you can
agree on an increased payout, and this is already a potential for scaling: more payout = the ability to
place more bids and get more good traffic. Be sure to always ask your manager for a zoned quality
report, this can help you find your gold mine.
How to improve traffic quality
If you decide to work honestly and want to improve the quality of your traffic, you should pay attention
to the following points.
Do you meet all advertiser's requirements? Your ad should not contain information that does not match
what users see on the offer page. If you promise everyone 50 registration bonuses that are not actually
on the site, users turn around and leave, as a result the advertiser loses money. This is called mislead and
such approaches are prohibited in most networks. When you mislead users with the sole purpose of
driving them to the coveted click or registration, you simply overwhelm the advertiser with uninterested
users who do not buy anything and only burn the advertising budget that goes to pay for your (low-
quality) work. Of course, in such case there can be no good relations and long-term productive
It is also important to design all elements of the funnel from creative to landing page in a uniform style
that matches the offer page. If the information differs, this also causes distrust. Therefore, at all stages of
the funnel, you need to develop one idea. Well, advices on target audience from advertisers shouldn't be
ignored either. If you have a clear vision of what audience you want to attract, this will help you with
Remember that you are not only selling traffic to the advertiser, but you are also buying it from the
advertising network. As a buyer, it is important to be able to analyze traffic and understand how much it
is worth your money. First, you need to choose a good ad network. Read reviews, discussions on forums,
study the list of traffic sources for a particular network and, if possible, check placements. Do not relax
when your campaign is already configured and launched, you need to analyze traffic and cut off low-
quality traffic yourself. This is more of a technical side of the issue. In the tracker or with the help of
other tools, you need to analyze the flow. Allocate converting zones, disable obviously failed ones, pay
attention to strange bursts of activity (these can be bots). Here you will find useful traffic analysis tools.
Building long-term relationships with the advertiser
Buying traffic should be approached responsibly, taking into account the reputation of the advertising
network, sources, and placements. It is important to be able to analyze traffic, set up targeting and
promptly respond to advertiser's comments (disable bad zones, increase converting volume). There are a
lot of analytics tools, learn to use them. The more you know about your traffic, the more accurate your
funnel will be. Precise targeting, well-developed creatives, and a well-tuned funnel are what make up
your dating success.
On the contrary, a mislead, a stream of bots and uninterested users can give money here and now, but
they will also damage your reputation and will not allow you to work with an advertiser for a long time.
Moreover, for using prohibited approaches (ex. misleading and bots), you will most likely be blocked in
the affiliate network. So, if you are deliberately pouring low-quality traffic, be prepared for the
consequences. This approach is short-lived: you will be quickly identified and disconnected. It's better to
work for the future and build a strong relationship with the advertiser. We at TrafficPartner are
interested precisely in building long-term, transparent and mutually beneficial relationships. You can
always communicate with us openly, tell about your approaches, traffic and the desired result, and we
will help you choose the right offers and conditions.
Your traffic partners