Parsing Dating
September 14, 2021
Online dating is a good thing, an industry that helps some people find love online and others earn money by attracting traffic. The vertical is old, so it looks confusing at first glance, but we will help you understand.

Online dating is a good thing, an industry that helps some people find love online and others earnmoney by attracting traffic. The vertical is old, so it looks confusing at first glance, but we will helpyou understand.Today, let us break down the main types of dating offers and the models by which they work.Dating offers are usually a website or an app that leads a user to register and search for a mate.There are many variations of these sites and apps, to say the least, and most of them fall into one ofthe categories:Mainstream - Offers that offer to find a couple for a long-term relationship. The "whitest" categoryof offers about big and pure love;Casual - These sites or applications offer to find love, however only for one (maximum two) nights,simply put: sex without commitment;Adult Dating - Dating for adults who want something (usually they do not know what they want).Because of its flexibility, it is considered one of the most popular subtypes of dating;Niche – part of adult dating, which targets a variety of people and their various interests. If you knowyour traffic well, these offers will allow you to earn a maximum, you only need to find the best offerfor your audience.The payout models are as varied as the types of offers, each of them is time-tested and allows you toeffectively monetize different types and qualities of traffic.PPL SOI (Pay Per Lead, Single Opt-In) - Pay Per Registration, who simply leaves their email or othercommunication method, you cannot think of an easier one.PPL DOI (Pay Per Lead, Double Opt-In) - Payment for a lead who not only leaves their contact details,but also confirms them, whether via email, or entering a code from an SMS. The funnel is morecomplicated, the lead is more expensive.PPS (Pay Per Sale) - An engaged user pays for certain site services and you get paid, simple as that;REVSHARE - You get a % of each user's purchase. For those who are ready to work "long term";There are other payment models for traffic, always read the description of the offers andcommunicate with your manager - a good advertiser will always offer you a convenient paymentsystem.The amount of payment varies depending on GEO, traffic type and other factors (you can always readabout it in the offer description or ask your personal go-to manager).If American DOI-lead can bring 1.50 or 2.00 dollar, his Indian counterpart will bring 1 or 2, but cent.However, this does not at all mean that you must cast exactly Tier 1 (first world countries). Thepossibilities of making money in the dating industry are endless, because, as we know, love iseverything.We hope that it became a little clearer, we have broken down the main characteristics of the keydating offers, in the next issues we will tell you about the sources of traffic and approaches for eachof the listed offers. Stay tuned, we know all about the dating business and we definitely have a lot totell you.Your traffic partners are always available for any questions.