Creativity that converts
September 14, 2021
Making creatives that work. Tips for high conversion rates.Creativity is 50% of the success of almost any advertising campaign and creating workable creativeswith a reliable system is not a superhuman ability, but a process with its own rules and principles.

Making creatives that work. Tips for high conversion rates.
Creativity is 50% of the success of almost any advertising campaign and creating workable creatives
with a reliable system is not a superhuman ability, but a process with its own rules and principles.
Here are what ideas to stick to in order to keep creatives in stock at all times.
Everything must be aligned. Clicking on a banner, the user has an idea of what awaits him next, and
if, after clicking on the red button offering to meet girls in his city, the man goes to a dating site for
correspondence ... then that will not convert to a lead.
Simply because expectations must match reality.
Do without the goldmine. You won't attract attention by showing boring realities, but you won't get
results by deceptive fantasies either. In any vertical approach, show the person something that is
accessible and real. People want to lose the extra weight and find a girl to love, not 8 abs and a
Victoria's Secret model.
Also, any mislead tends to lead to worse results.
Use people you can associate with in your creatives. You will get the best results if your targeted
users can find themselves or similarities with their interests in your ad. Pay attention to regional
features of people, use banners that match their environment.
Try to empathize with your user and read the ad from their perspective. Create an emotional appeal.
A lot of material has been written about the use of emotion in advertising creatives, read it. Better
understanding of the psychology of conversions, you can earn more.
If you want to get attention, strong emotions are your allies. The "Ugly works" principle states that
the most seemingly unflattering creatives show the best results, although they do not always pass
moderation the first time.
Since in most cases the creative is an image with text, you need to make sure that it is easy to
"read". You don't know on what device and at what time a person will see the creative, but you can
make sure that the banner or push notification is all readable and convincing by making it high
contrast and crisp, and the message clear and understandable.
You can't do without text in your creatives. Provoke, describe your product or service, put pressure
on the user's desire and needs. No one can write a headline that converts on the first try , so you
have to rely on experience, and your own expertise.
Do it succinctly and boldly. And if you don't know where to start, look to the classics, like David
Ogilvy; you can find a couple of approaches that will work in his works.
Speaking of courage, do not be afraid to borrow ideas and approaches. The spy tool of your choice
and a VPN service will help. You will not be able to come up with all the creatives.
Just don't forget the difference between "copy" and "inspire".
Limit the price and time. Even by artificially creating a discount you attract more attention and
interest in the offer.
That's just the way we're built.
Well, remember the most important rule: only tests can tell if your creative is good or bad.
Good luck with tests, get inspired, create, and upload, and we will help you with the rest!
Your traffic partners.